Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Java: The Coding Language.

Java was developed by James Gosling and released in 1995.Java is an object oriented programming language.

you can use java  to easily build mobile applications or run on desktop applications that use different operating systems and servers, such as Linux or Windows.

Here are some features of java:
  • Java is easy to learn
  • It is Robust
  • It is familiar
  • It supports Functional Programming
  • Java is platform independent. 
  • The most importanat feature of Java is it has an ability to move from one PC to another PC.

Here are many applications which are developed using Java:
1)  Trading Application
2)  Big data technologies
3)  Java Web applications

4)  Software Tools
5)  Android Apps
6)  J2ME Apps
7)  Embedded Space
8)  Server Apps at the Financial Services Industry

Java is one of the highly paid programming languages in 2020.

Here are some java IDEs in which you can practice Java language like Greenfoot, Blue J, Code nevy, Dr.Java, Net Beans etc. You can download it from their official websites.Here are some reference books of Java like Think Java, Extreme Java , Core Java,Extreme Java ,Java: How to Program,Java 8 in Action ,Java in a Nutshell,The Java Language Specification ,Think Java: How to think like a Computer Scientist ,Thinking in Java.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Popular Programming language of 2020


Python  is very popular programming language. It was created by Guido van  Rossum in 1980. python uses both the procedural and object oriented programming Paradims. It is a high level programming language.  python is free and open source programming language. python is becoming very popular nowadays and there are some reasons behind this. python is easy to learn and understand.  python has very easy syntax. python requires less code to write programs that means if you want to write a simple hello world program in c++ or java the code is minimum 3 or 4 lines. But this can be done in python in only one line. python has many features. python is an extensible language . It is portable language.


It is an integrated language. python is a cross platform language. python has a huge set of libraries. It supports better GUI  Programmig. There are many fields in which you can enter after learning python. There are many areas in which you can use python like web development,game development,machine learning and artificial intelligence, Data scientist and data visualization etc. python is one of the highly paid language in 2020. Here are some IDES for python like Pycharm, visual studio code, Spyder, Jupyter notebook etc. You can download this from their official sites. If you are learner so you can use community version and download it from their official web site.